Infertility - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is infertility?

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term after trying for at least one year without success. About 10-15% of couples struggle with infertility globally.

There are many potential causes of infertility in both men and women. In women, common causes include:

In men, common causes are:

In some cases, the cause remains unexplained. Age is also a major factor - fertility starts to decline for women after 35 and for men after 50.

Diagnosing infertility involves tests for both partners to evaluate hormones, ovulation, uterine health, fallopian tube patency, and semen quality. Common tests include:

Based on test results and age, doctors may recommend lifestyle changes, fertility medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Our clinic, Hormone Harmony Clinic, specializes in hormonal balance and optimization to improve natural fertility before considering invasive procedures.

IVF involves fertilizing the egg with sperm in a lab dish, then transferring the embryo into the uterus. Success rates per IVF cycle range from 30-50% depending on age. It is expensive, costing $10,000 per cycle.

Dealing with infertility can be emotionally devastating. Support groups and counseling help many couples cope. With advanced fertility treatments, most couples can achieve a successful pregnancy. Reaching out to a fertility specialist is the first step.

I hope this gives an overview of what infertility is, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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