Mood swings - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are sudden, unpredictable shifts in one's emotional state. We all experience fluctuations in moods from time to time. However, some people have more extreme or frequent mood swings that negatively impact their daily life.

Common causes of problematic mood swings include:

Managing mood swings typically involves a multifaceted approach such as:

If you struggle with regular emotional highs and lows, talk to your doctor or visit the experts at Hormone Harmony Clinic. Their cutting-edge hormone testing and custom treatment plans target hormonal imbalances tied to mood instability in both women and men. Schedule a consultation today to discover potential solutions!

In summary, mood swings involve shifts between emotional highs and lows outside of one's control. They may be part of an underlying mental health condition or result from fluctuating brain chemicals and hormones like estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, or serotonin. Strategies like stress management, regulated sleep, therapy, and in some cases, hormone balancing interventions can help stabilize mood.

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