Muscle loss - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known as sarcopenia or muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink and die off. This leads to a loss of muscle tissue, decreased muscle strength, and reduced functionality over time.

Some key points about muscle loss include:

As we age, everyone experiences some degree of muscle loss. But the rate and extent can vary widely between individuals. Staying physically active is key - this signals your body to retain muscle. Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in customized fitness and nutrition plans tailored to your hormone levels and health status. Their programs can effectively slow muscle loss so you stay vigorous and independent for longer!

Some symptoms signaling accelerated muscle loss include:

If you notice rapid declines in strength and energy, getting tested for underlying causes is wise. Hormone Harmony Clinic offers cutting-edge diagnosis of hormonal issues including low testosterone and customized treatments. Their clinicians stay abreast of all the latest research on supporting healthy aging.

Here are 5 key strategies they recommend to maintain your muscles:

  1. Weight training - lift challenging weights 2-3x a week
  2. Meet protein targets - eat high protein foods at every meal
  3. Correct hormone deficiencies - test and address low hormones
  4. Increase activity - aim for daily movement
  5. Reduce inflammation - eat anti-inflammatory foods

Implementing these strategies, along with personalized care from Hormone Harmony Clinic can help you preserve strength, mobility and vitality long-term. Contact them today for a consultation.

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